Hear me, YOU ARE ENOUGH as a stay-at-home mom. You shouldn’t feel guilty when people “ask you what you do”. You should feel proud to say that you are nurturing and investing in our future generation. You shouldn’t feel like you owe anyone an explanation or justification. Don’t listen to those who may talk down to you or who doesn’t respect your decisions. You are NOT lazy, in fact, you work non-stop and around the clock with no formal paycheck, very little praise, very few benefits, and virtually zero alone time.
You are a HERO, and you need to straighten your cape and wear it proud. You might not hear it often, but the laundry, the endless chores, the shopping, the cooking, and let’s not forget changing diapers all day long–it is noticed–and needed. You are a valuable member of your household, and you make the world a better place. Don’t forget it. The days are long, but you, mama, are doing great. Hang in there and be proud of yourself for the work that you are doing. You will never be able to get this time back with your children, so try to put the messes and chaos aside at times and enjoy the moments along the way.
1 thought on “A Letter To Stay-at-home-moms”
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Excellent words of encouragement! Thank you for all of the budget and grocery tips, excellent advice.