Violated. That’s how I felt after a cervical exam while 40 weeks pregnant. Haven’t I been tortured enough? Can’t quite describe the discomfort that is involved with a doctor shoving their hand up your lady parts to determine how “dilated” you are. Not only that but being overdue and then told that you are “fingertip” dilated, it’s bad when they don’t even describe your labor progress in a real unit of measurement of centimeters, but rather, describe it using body part. That kind of news is straight up demoralizing to a woman who has spent 40 weeks incubating a baby, who is puffy & swollen, who spends her evenings moaning and groaning (in misery, not the good kind 😊-LOL), and is wearing her husband’s sandals with *gasp* socks on to stay warm in the winter because she can’t fit her own shoes. Just a warning and a PSA for all the overdue pregnant peeps out there, sometimes ignorance really is bliss and you’d be better off not knowing how much your body appears to be failing you. /endrant
Things not to say to a pregnant person…my loving husband can elaborate further.
- Are you going to eat all that? Why, yes, yes, I am. Thank you.
- Are you going out looking like that?
- Did you steal my (insert some article of clothing)?
- I ate that. Sorry.
- Why are you crying?
- Women have been having babies for centuries….
- It looks like you swallowed a basketball.
- Stop exaggerating.
- What is wrong with you?
- You are making a mountain out of a mole hill.