Readers, I could use your help in dealing with a situation regarding co-workers with annoying habits. One male co-worker is always following me around, kind of stalker-ish, even when I tell him I’m going to the bathroom. He says no to me when I ask him for help with assignments, yet he expects me to drop everything the minute he needs something. He is loud and walks around the “office” like he owns it and constantly is calling out my name all hours of the day, sometimes he even calls me at night. Really, it’s getting to be a bit much. I feel like he doesn’t respect any boundaries of personal space or my personal time. Our relationship is extremely one sided and I’m expected to do all the work while he hangs out.
Then, I also have a female co-worker, she is mostly chill and easy to work with, but lately has been shrieking through the “office”, yelling if she doesn’t get her way, and occasionally even biting me. She interrupts me constantly, touches me, and even climbs on my legs if I’m not paying attention to her. What should I do? These co-workers’ actions are highly inappropriate! I’ve tried talking to my friends and family, but they tell me that “the phase will pass,” “things will get better”, and “their just kids” as if they are trying to justify their rude behaviors! Anyone else have co-workers like mine? Comment below with any sanity saving tips and tell the HR department to send help my way!
Signed, an overtired, overworked mom of a 3yr old boy and a 7-month-old teething baby girl. <3