Tonight, I seriously had to think about the last time I took a shower that was longer than 2 minutes and interruption free. Mostly, my days are muddled between responding to the demands and cries of tiny children. I remember at one point today, telling myself not to let my three-year-old boss me around. Here’s the scene that let up to that moment: my overtired, nap refusing son was attempting to jump down from a workout bench while swinging a golf club dangerously close to his baby sister. I tried my “gentle parenting” technique of asking him to get down multiple times, I was then met with several, “No, Mom’s”. It feels like NO is a three-year old’s favorite word. Mind over motherhood, right?
I had heard fellow moms talk about how trying the terrible twos were, but I hadn’t heard much about threes. I used to think parenting phrases about the stages were exaggerated. There’s no way my sweet angels would be terrors- the joke is now on me. Three-year-old boys have SO MUCH ENERGY. They jump off couches, scream, screech, run, throw, slide all day long. Oh, let’s not forget to mention eating, where does all the food go on a 30-pound tiny human? If we’re being honest, I think we’ve all been guilty of judging other parents and their kids in stages before we’ve been there. Fellow moms, I promise not to judge you. Let’s drink some caffeinated beverages and exchange crazy stories of whose kid ended up in the urgent care the most times in a month. Whew!