It’s 4pm and I just guzzled down my second cup of coffee, who knows how many more cups I’ll have today. Baby is napping, which I know will backfire this late in the day, and my toddler is singing to “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes”. I’m debating between waking baby up but decided for just a few minutes to enjoy the fact that both kids are content. This stage of life is “messy”. Before kids, I never envisioned how even maintaining the very basics of my home would seem virtually impossible. Forget the bigger tasks like dusting, vacuuming, mopping! Whatever standards of cleanliness I had for my home before motherhood is now even lower. Is everyone alive, fed, and relatively clothed? Check all those boxes and I’m good!
In my moments of stress, my even-tempered husband reminds me that “this too shall pass”. It sounds cliche’, but I know it’s true! One day, when our house is actually clean, and we can walk down the halls without stepping through laundry piles or toys- that we will look back and miss these “messy moments”. Until then, friends, my only advice is to make sure that you only give your toddler crayons that are washable!