Have you heard of GoodRx? Even with health insurance, sometimes, prescriptions are cheaper through GoodRx. It only takes a minute to search by the name of the prescription and you can look up the cost at several different pharmacies. That feature alone has saved me time when trying to figure out which pharmacy I should…
Why I Don’t Publish Photos of My Children Online
In today’s digital age, it’s crucial to think of the long-term ramifications of our actions today. I, like most today’s digital age, it’s essential to consider the long-term impact of our actions. Like many parents, I have thousands of photos of my children stored on my camera. However, I choose not to share these photos…
Are You Overpaying At Target or Walmart?
Attention Shoppers: If you are shopping in-store and not checking the stores app–especially at Target and Walmart–you are likely leaving money on the table. Do yourself a favor, download the Target and Walmart app on your phone. These retailers often have items cheaper “when purchased online” and will gladly price match the item for you…
Potty Training Adventure
Cue the angel hallelujah chorus. I was starting to worry whether we’d drop my son off at college wearing PJ Mask Pull-ups..okay, so that was a “wee” (PUN-INTENDED) bit dramatic. Potty training my son has been a journey, anytime anybody would even mention the word “potty”, it’d send him screaming, “noooooooooo” and running in the…
A Letter To Stay-at-home-moms
Hear me, YOU ARE ENOUGH as a stay-at-home mom. You shouldn’t feel guilty when people “ask you what you do”. You should feel proud to say that you are nurturing and investing in our future generation. You shouldn’t feel like you owe anyone an explanation or justification. Don’t listen to those who may talk down…
Savvy Ways To Save On Groceries
Groceries is now one of my family’s largest budget categories thanks to inflation. It’s more important than ever to be a savvy shopper and find a few ways to save. My husband leaves the shopping to me- which for our sake, works great. I married a very practical man who wouldn’t ever come back with…
Make Your Budget Work For You
Being a Stay-at-home mom (SAHM) in 2022 during record high inflation with two kids is no easy feat. With a blog name of “Mind Over Motherhood”, I am from the belief that if you put your mind to something and focus in on it, you can make your goal a reality. Feeding/clothing/diapering two kids, saving…
Motherhood Is Messy
It’s 4pm and I just guzzled down my second cup of coffee, who knows how many more cups I’ll have today. Baby is napping, which I know will backfire this late in the day, and my toddler is singing to “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes”. I’m debating between waking baby up but decided for just…
Parenting A Three-Nager
Tonight, I seriously had to think about the last time I took a shower that was longer than 2 minutes and interruption free. Mostly, my days are muddled between responding to the demands and cries of tiny children. I remember at one point today, telling myself not to let my three-year-old boss me around. Here’s…
Moms Are Rockstars!
Partying it up- mid thirty version Imagine the scenario with me…. Lights dimmed low, hair pulling, heads banging, screeching, squealing, paparazzi following me around and a night of no sleep…that’s how I spent last night! I even got my name chanted over and over again all night long! It was almost like I was a rockstar—but…