Readers, I could use your help in dealing with a situation regarding co-workers with annoying habits. One male co-worker is always following me around, kind of stalker-ish, even when I tell him I’m going to the bathroom. He says no to me when I ask him for help with assignments, yet he expects me to…
Leaving the house with a baby and toddler
Man, I’d really love to run into (insert store here), then the mental battle in my mind begins. I am constantly torn between my desire to run errands against the unpleasant reality of the amount of effort it actually takes to leave the house with two small children. Moms of multiples can definitely relate to…
What NOT to Say to a pregnant person:
Violated. That’s how I felt after a cervical exam while 40 weeks pregnant. Haven’t I been tortured enough? Can’t quite describe the discomfort that is involved with a doctor shoving their hand up your lady parts to determine how “dilated” you are. Not only that but being overdue and then told that you are “fingertip”…
40 Weeks Pregnant
You know your 40 weeks pregnant when you don’t bend over, anymore. EVER. I’m waddling around, looking like a combination of a penguin and whale. Baymax or the Pillsbury Dough boy come to mind as visuals. I’m WAY past looking like I just ate too many tacos. I’m starting to see where my “well-meaning” neighbor…